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Social responsibility
The Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities feature extensive sponsorship and charity work for the benefit of its external stakeholders (customers, partners, NGOs, etc.) and internal stakeholders (employees).

The Group has been supporting Polish sports since 2013. Since then, STS S.A. spent approximately PLN 50 million on activities connected with the sponsoring of Polish sport. STS S.A. is the official sponsor of the Polish National Football Team, a strategic sponsor of Lech Poznań, the main sponsor of Jagiellonia Białystok and the official sponsor of Cracovia, Pogoń Szczecin, Górnik Łęczna, Zagłębie Lubin, the Polish Volleyball League and other clubs and sports associations. The Group also supports eSports.
Działania grupy
Sponsorship of Polish sport
The Group is not only engaged in cooperation with clubs and organisations but also communities of supporters and local sports initiatives, such as GKS Urania and Ruch Radzionków. The Group’s strategy in this area is strongly connected with supporting the sports community in many regions of Poland. The Group is one of the largest sponsors actively supporting Polish sports and intends to maintain this status in the coming years.
Local and international initiatives
STS’s CSR activities are also undertaken by the Sport Is Your Chance Foundation (Sport Twoją Szansą), which conducts activities for the development of Polish sport. The foundation, which was established at the initiative of STS S.A., assists talented athletes by providing them with material aid and substantive support. It helps young athletes to gain access to suitable training facilities for their careers and participate in competitions at the national and international levels. The Foundation was established in 2014 and has since undertaken dozens of sports initiatives at the local, national and international level.
Cooperation with charities
The Group’s Employees and Management Board choose social initiatives that receive support both from employees and the Management Board – these are one-time, but recurrent donations to selected foundations. In this regard, the Group has regularly cooperated with NGO’s – such as the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy), Poland’s largest charity organization and Special Olympics (Olimpiady Specjalne).
First choice employer
Moreover, for many years, approximately half of the Group’s employees have been involved with Noble Gift (Szlachetna Paczka), one of the largest and most recognizable social schemes in Poland. During the holiday season, a company committee is formed to select families to be supported by the Noble Gift. Both employees and management get involved financially. The initiative is bottom-up, but employees devote themselves to charity during their working hours.
Staff development
The Group is actively involved in employer branding activities for potential, new and current employees. It engages in dozens of projects to promote the Group as an employer of choice. In the employee satisfaction survey conducted in January 2021 STS S.A. achieved NPS (net recommendation score indicating how many respondents would recommend it to others) at a very high level i.e. 60.
The Group conducts several programs dedicated to employees at different stages of their careers. They include the Internal Training Series (conducted by employees specializing in various topics and areas; these courses are open to all employees), the Buddy Program (where new employees are assigned to experienced colleagues who help them to find their feet during their first days at work), and the Young Manager Program (dedicated to employees promoted to a managerial position for the first time). The HR department provides Young Managers with information on labor law, internal procedures concerning people management and soft interpersonal skills so that they can better adapt to their new role. There’s also Bosses Day – management training (dedicated to the management-level staff and touching on aspects of team management, supervisory skills and team interaction for effective leadership).
The HR department and Engagement & Communication Manager conduct several dozen activities addressed to employees every year. Each department has a budget for training, which is allocated by the management board and coordinated by HR. Employees from individual departments decide themselves in which areas they need training, the HR department coordinates such training with external partners, among others. Total budget for employee training equals to approx. PLN 0.5 million.Responsible gambling
The Group conducts activities in the area of Responsible Gambling (“RG”). The Group has a dedicated team for all operations connected with RG. The Group has prepared RG policies and procedures devoted to Polish and foreign markets. The Group is focused on promoting responsible and safe gambling. For example, the Group designed a dedicated website where new users can find information about using the Group’s offer in a safe way. In addition, the sts[.]pl website includes a section strictly dedicated to RG with relevant information and a self-assessment test for the users to find out if they have control over their gambling.
Environmental issues
The Group focuses on implementing pro-ecological solutions in its betting shops and offices. During renovation work, lighting has been changed to save energy. The offices in Katowice, Warsaw, Malta and Prague use LED lighting and approx. 40% of STS’s betting shops use this source of light energy. What’s more, the electricity in 80% of its betting shops comes exclusively from renewable energy. The Group plans to install photovoltaic panels at the headquarters in the near future, which will further increase the use of renewable energy sources.
Pro-ecological solutions
The Group has also taken steps to reduce plastic waste. The drinking water supplier in STS S.A.’s offices was changed and plastic bottles were replaced with ecological tap water distributors. Due to the digitization of betting shops, the Group’s offer is increasingly presented electronically (tablets and mobile displays), which significantly reduces the demand for paper. The ongoing transformation of the betting shops will bring further benefits in this area.
The Group provides service activities, of which ca. 80.3% in terms of STS S.A. capital group’s revenues in 2020 were carried out through online channels. The Group believes that, due to the nature of its business, there are no environmental matters that are material to its activities, financial position or use of tangible fixed assets.

Responsible gambling
The Group conducts activities in the area of Responsible Gambling (“RG”). The Group has a dedicated team for all operations connected with RG. The Group has prepared RG policies and procedures devoted to Polish and foreign markets. The Group is focused on promoting responsible and safe gambling.

For example, the Group designed a dedicated website where new users can find information about using the Group’s offer in a safe way. In addition, the sts[.]pl website includes a section strictly dedicated to RG with relevant information and a self-assessment test for the users to find out if they have control over their gambling.

The Sport Is Your Chance Foundation, which conducts activities for the development of Polish sport, was founded at the initiative of STS. The foundation assists talented athletes by providing them with material aid and substantive support – it helps them to organise suitable training facilities for their careers or participate in competitions at a national or international level.
The Foundation aims to support various types of initiatives related to the development of Polish sport. The support is directed to both individuals and organizations, regardless of whether the sports activity is recreational, amateur or professional.
In addition, the Foundation helps athletes who, for various random or financial reasons, are unable to take part in national and international competitions. The Foundation also wants to promote Polish sport outside Poland.